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Paris – The French network of urban planning agencies has published a guide outlining the role that urban planning agencies can play in implementing the New Urban Agenda.

According to the French Network of Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU), urban planning agencies play an essential role halfway between the worlds of technology and politics. They can be the missing link in development and planning policies as they mediate between key stakeholders – be it at the level of the city or state – to help them make informed decisions and take proper action. 

But in the context of unprecedented urbanisation, there is an uneven distribution of planning agencies around the world. The FNAU, in collaboration with the French Development Agency (AFD), recently published a guide to help local stakeholders create urban planning agencies to support communities implement the New Urban Agenda.

The guide describes the different forms of urban planning agencies around the world, their areas of action – such as planning projects, monitoring and assessing them, and capacity building – and a step-by-step process for creating an urban planning agency. Throughout the guide are success stories and inspiring case studies.

FNAU is an association of 50 urban agencies across France. Its technical network brings together 1,500 urban planning professionals who are rooted in local realities and contribute to national and European debates about urban policies and the future of cities. The AFD works to fight poverty and promote sustainable development in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean and the French overseas territories.