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Olten SO – The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) will be offering practice-based training in spatial data analytics from January. The course will impart digital expertise for smart cities of the future. In this way, the university is responding to the needs of the design and construction industry.

From January, the School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics at the FHNW will be offering a certificate course in Spatial Data Analytics at its site in Olten. This will enable specialists from data sciences, transport, logistics, spatial planning as well as natural and environmental sciences to plan the cities of the future digitally and to evaluate infrastructure data. In this way, the university is responding to the needs of the design and construction industry, as the FHNW outlined in a press release.

Over 16 teaching days, the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Spatial Data Analytics will convey the necessary knowledge in collaboration with real world experts to model, process and interpret spatial data in a targeted way. According to the FHNW, this will be based on “a balanced combination of presentations, case studies, group work and practical exercises”. Other blocks of time are earmarked for individual study.

“It is no longer enough to simply determine where events take place spatially,” said Prof. Dr Pia Bereuter. “In future, we must also understand why these take place. This necessitates well-founded analytics processes, which are integrated into the digitalization strategies of companies and organizations.” This expertise forms the basis for spatial planning decisions “in almost every sector”.