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Eindhoven – The world’s first habitable 3D printed concrete houses are to be built in the Netherlands this year. Known as Project Milestone, the development in Eindhoven be built over the next five years.

The house designs are based on erratic blocks in a green landscape and aim at a high level of quality and sustainability, according to a statement from the University of Eindhoven. The first house, a single-storey structure, is expected to be ready for occupation in the first half of 2019. The other four houses will be multi-storey houses.

While the building elements of the first house will all be printed by the concrete printer at the university, the intention is to shift the construction work to the construction site and realize the last house completely on site.

Eindhoven is a hot spot for 3D-concrete printing thanks to the research group of concrete technology professor Theo Salet and its concrete printer. The group recently printed the world’s first 3D-printed concrete bridge for cyclists in the village of Gemert.

3D-printing of concrete is a potential game changer in the building industry, with benefits including the ability to construct almost any shape and colour of concrete at minimum costs. It also brings sustainability, as much less concrete is needed and hence much less cement, which reduces the CO2 emissions originating from cement production.

The municipality of Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology, contractor Van Wijnen, real estate manager Vesteda, materials company Saint Gobain-Weber Beamix and engineering firm Witteveen+Bos are the project partners.